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(Data Processing Management Association)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Data base management system — Ein Datenbanksystem (DBS) ist ein System zur elektronischen Datenverwaltung. Die wesentliche Aufgabe eines DBS ist es, große Datenmengen effizient, widerspruchsfrei und dauerhaft zu speichern und benötigte Teilmengen in unterschiedlichen,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Association of Information Technology Professionals — The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) is a professional association that focuses on information technology education. The group is a non profit national group, but its activities are performed by about 200 local chapters… …   Wikipedia

  • Office management — Office manager is a profession related to office supervisory positions. People that hold office management positions conduct special studies and based on the results of these special studies, they develop reports. Apart from developing reports,… …   Wikipedia

  • Data quality — Data are of high quality if they are fit for their intended uses in operations, decision making and planning (J. M. Juran). Alternatively, the data are deemed of high quality if they correctly represent the real world construct to which they… …   Wikipedia

  • Data sharing — is the practice of making data used for scholarly research available to other investigators. Replication has a long history in science. The motto of The Royal Society is Nullius in verba , translated Take no man s word for it. [1] Many funding… …   Wikipedia

  • Data mining — Not to be confused with analytics, information extraction, or data analysis. Data mining (the analysis step of the knowledge discovery in databases process,[1] or KDD), a relatively young and interdisciplinary field of computer science[2][3] is… …   Wikipedia

  • Data center — An operation engineer overseeing a Network Operations Control Room of a data center. A data center (or data centre or datacentre or datacenter) is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and …   Wikipedia

  • Management information system — A management information system (MIS) provides information needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively.[1] Management information systems involve three primary resources: people, technology, and information. Management information… …   Wikipedia

  • Association Europeenne des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial — Die Association Européenne des Constructeurs de Matériel Aérospatial (AECMA) später The European Association of AeroSpace Industries ist eine Interessenorganisation der europäischen Luftfahrtindustrie gewesen, deren Wurzeln auf der 1950… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Association Européenne des Constructeurs de Matériel Aérospatial — Die Association Européenne des Constructeurs de Matériel Aérospatial (AECMA) später The European Association of AeroSpace Industries ist eine Interessenorganisation der europäischen Luftfahrtindustrie gewesen, deren Wurzeln auf der 1950… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Data Validation and Reconciliation — Industrial process data validation and reconciliation or short data validation and reconciliation (DVR) is a technology which is using process information and mathematical methods in order to automatically correct measurements in industrial… …   Wikipedia

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